RCM is a Registered Tradermark under the company Fashion Suitings Pvt. Ltd. registered on 11/07/2002 and located in Swaroopganj, Bhilwara, Rajasthan. Primarily aimed at providing self-employment to the Direct-Sellers who join RCM it is by far the oldest Indian Direct Selling Company. As time passes the company emerges to make the RCM World where there are all the products needed in our day-to-day life starting from the very start of the day till sleep at night. By far it has more than 735 products and launching each every month.
Rcm Stands for Right Concept Marketing. This company was formed in India. At the early stage this company sold clothes.
The Government released all the guidelines on 9 september 2017. The government is promoting all direct selling companies working within these guidelines. Happily, The "RCM" is working as per all guidelines.The company has made a huge turn over in the past decade and on the month of March,2021 it alone had made a turnover of 300crores in India with it's 100% Indian products.
The aim of RCM is to make human life more prosperous and permanent base, for which we have fabricated some strategies which are based on real facts and future results which intends to make human life contented forever. We truly understand that working with full devotion and co-operation is necessary for upliftment of human life. RCM is a mission based on these facts. Thus in a nutshell our object of this mission is to make value based India.
Let's grow up together, join this mission whole heartedly and become pioneer in the jurney of creating new India.
-Tilok Chand Chhabra
In recent years, RCM has spread so far into the depths of India that well known MNC's like Prestige and Unistar along with Nutricharge and GoodDot and Link (with it's Pentonic Pen) has joined RCM Direct Selling marketing providing the facily to earn and grow from the the purchase of their products.
M/S Sabita Sarkar and Family